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New Indian Journal of Surgery

Volume  15, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 63-65

Original Article


Sadashiv v Patil1 , Dharmraj Biradar2 , Edunoori Prashanth3 , Nikhilesh4

1 Professor, 2 Professor, 3,4Post  Graduate, Department of Surgery, Sapthagiri Medical  College Bangalore, Karnataka 560090, India.

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Introduction: To improve the psychomotor skills and dexterity of a budding surgeon  endotrainer exercises are essential. Several endo trainer of varying shape and functionality are  available in the market, but are very costly, in a quest to find a cost effective alternative the visual  system can be forgone by making the roof and sides transparent.

Materials and Methods: This article entails the components involved in developing the  indigenous transparent endotrainer using acrylic material in Dept of General surgery, Sapthagiri  Medical College, Bangalore in 2024.

Results: Conventional endotrainer are non transparent, which necessitates the need for a  visual system, this endotrainer does not require a Monitor and web cam by making the roof  transparent, ensuring hand eye coordination is maintained. Offering a 3 Dimensional vision  without the requirement of an energy source.

Conclusion: The present endotrainer is transparent on two sides and without a visual system,  does not require an energy source, easily portable and cost effective especially for young  budding surgeons.

Keywords : Endotrainer, Suturing exercises.
Corresponding Author : : Sadashiv v Patil