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Journal of Global Public Health

Volume  6, Issue 1,  January – June 2024, Pages 25-27

Review Article

Understanding and Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy: A Comprehensive Analysis

S. Akansha1 , Arshia Pathania2 , Anamika Choudhary3 , Sahil Thakar4 , Sahil Negi5

1 Final Year Student, ,3Intern, 4 Reader, 5 Tutor, Department of Public Health Dentistry,  Himachal Dental College, Sundernagar 175002, Himachal  Pradesh, India.

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Vaccine hesitancy is the disinclination or turndown to vaccinate despite the vacuity  of vaccines. It is said that by misinformation, mistrust in authorities, artistic beliefs, and  socioeconomic difference. It's a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a combined trouble  to address. By understanding the factors contributing to hesitancy, addressing misinformation,  erecting trust, and enforcing targeted interventions, we can promote vaccine acceptance and  cover public health. It's imperative that we work together to insure that vaccines remain one  of the most effective tools in precluding contagious conditions and securing the health of  individualities and communities worldwide.

Keywords : Vaccine; Disease; Immunization; Outbreak; Prevention.
Corresponding Author : Anamika Choudhary