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Indian Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Volume  2, Issue 2, July - December 2020, Pages 57-70

Original Article

A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Prevention and Management of Hypoglycemia Among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Revathy K D1 , Asha C G2

 1 MSc Nursing, 2 Assistant Professor  Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Aswini College of  Nursing, Thrissur, Kerala 680751, India

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The present study was conducted to assess the  knowledge and practice regarding prevention and  management of hypoglycemia among patients with  Diabetes mellitus in a selected hospital, Thrissur. The  objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge  and practice regarding prevention and management of  hypoglycemia among patients with Diabetes mellitus,  to find out the relationship between knowledge and  practice regarding prevention and management of  hypoglycemia among patients with Diabetes mellitus,  to associate the knowledge and practice regarding  prevention and management of hypoglycemia among  patients with Diabetes mellitus with their selected  demographic variables and to prepare and distribute  a self-instructional module regarding prevention and  management of hypoglycemia among patients with  Diabetes mellitus. Quantitative research approach  with a descriptive cross sectional survey design  was used in this study. One hundred samples were  selected by using purposive sampling technique  from selected medical OPDs of Aswini Hospital  Ltd. The data collection was done with a structured  knowledge questionnaire and a self-reported practice  checklist regarding prevention and management of  hypoglycemia. The study results showed that, 71%  had good knowledge, 26% had average knowledge  and 3% had excellent knowledge, regarding  prevention and management of hypoglycemia. In  terms of practice, 62% had average practice, 29% had  good practice and 9% had poor practice regarding  prevention and management of hypoglycemia.  There was no significant relationship between  knowledge and practice regarding prevention and  management of hypoglycemia (r = 0.05 ns, p = 0.625)  and there was no association between knowledge and  practice regarding prevention and management of  hypoglycemia among patients with Diabetes mellitus  with any one of their selected demographic variables.  A self-instructional module regarding prevention  and management of hypoglycemia was prepared and  distributed to the patients to enhance their knowledge  and practice.

Keywords : Hypoglycemia; Diabetes mellitus; Knowledge; Practice.
Corresponding Author : Revathy K D