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Journal of Plastic Surgery and Transplantation

Volume  5, Issue 1, Jan-June 2024, Pages 35-39

Review Article

A Curious Case of Atypical Compartment Syndrome of Bilateral Forearm

Subina Basania Soopy1 , Nipun Nandakumar2 , Krishna Kumar K S3 , Ajit Kumar Pati4 , Raghuram Menon

Subina Basania Soopy, Nipun Nandakumar, Krishna Kumar K S. A Curious Case of Atypical Compartment Syndrome of Bilateral Forearm. J of Pla Sur and Trans. 2024;5(1):35-39.

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Herein we report a rare case of young male who developed volar compartment syndrome of forearm and arm with no or minimal external injury following trauma at worksite while trying to hold steelbars from falling on to him. On complete workup and exploration there was internal rupture of flexors of forearm and extensors of arm with hematoma without much external contusion of left upper limb (Fig . 1) while only minimal hematoma without rupture of muscles in the right upper limb (Fig. 6). Development of compartment syndrome was further delayed in the right upperlimb (Fig. 5). Even though the clinical picture was bizarre enough to perform prophylactic fasciotomy at the first contact of patient, it could have prevented necrosis of torn muscles and closure of wound at an earlier period. Emergency fasciotomy did save the left upperlimb while prophylactic fasciotomy in right upperlimb could prevent further necrosis of muscles and wound closure at an earlier period.

Keywords : Acute Compartment Syndrome (ACS); Fasciotomy; Closed tendon rupture.
Corresponding Author : Krishna Kumar K S,