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Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences

Volume  11, Issue 1, January - June 2024, Pages 11-13

Original Article

Knowledge Attitude and Practices Study on the Dietary Pattern among People going to the GYM for a Workout in Indore

Shweta Keswani1, Ayush Singh Parihar2, Dipali Saxena3, Manisha Trivedi4

1-3Assistant Professor, 4M.Sc. Food &
Nutrition, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Home Science, Indore
452002, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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The importance of good nutrition and hydration during exercise has grown in popularity
in recent years. The significance of a healthy balanced diet and its links to good health and
improved workout performance. For this the person should have the correct knowledge about
nutrition. Various studies have shown that involving sports performance in the planning
of diet can result in improved health benefits, as well as promoting adequate refueling and
hydration, leading to improved sporting performance. This study was carried out from
Rajendra Nagar Square & Gopur Square in Indore city, Madhya Pradesh with a sample size
of 60 gym members divided in 18-24 age group & 25-30 age group respectively. Information
regarding their demographic profile, anthropometric measurements, dietary pattern, exercise
pattern and lifestyle patterns were assessed using a pretested questionnaire. The study Data
revealed that out of the total participants (N=60), there are (35%) vegetarian respondents,
(47%) non-vegetarian respondents and (18%) eggitarian respondents. Most of the respondents
(55%) know their nutritional status. The major findings (91%) for non-sports person should not
exercise more than 1-2 hours daily. 57% of the population says that there is harm physically if
we exercise more than the requirement of the body. 90%of the population going to gym have
heard about nutrition and (75%) population got nutritional knowledge after joining the gym.
67% of population has good hunger span and (33%) of population has very good hunger span
due to increased BMR by performing exercise in gym. 95% of the population going to the
gym do not have any health-related issue. Study reveals that (71%) of population believed that
Protein helps in gaining muscle mass and it is also drawn from results that (33%) population
says that carbohydrate helps in reducing weight, (33%) population says proteins help in
reducing weight. The results obtained show that (32%) of the population says that protein
shake is high in quality protein, (29%) population says egg are rich in high quality protein. This
study revealed that (100%) percent of the population are following gym regime by consuming
pre-workout and post-workout meals before and after their workout to fuel their workout and
to enhance muscle recovery. 80% of major population have heard about the death happening in  gym nowadays near their places or on social   media. From this study we found that (80%) population believed that this death
are not related to their gym pattern this  death are related to incorrect knowledge and abusing supplements and drugs

Keywords : Terms Knowledge; Attitude & Practices; Sports nutrition; Eating pattern; Weight loss.
Corresponding Author : Shweta Keswani,