AbstractDomestic Violence against women in India is a problem rooted in social norms and economic dependence, feminine, Fatalism, domestic violence, sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence are real life of most Indian girls and women. Wife beating affects the physical and psychological well-being of abused women, Also those of their children. Women's participation in public life is increasing and laws are changing, but India is still one. Indian women have a long way to go to become equal citizens in their country. Many women are treated violently in our society. Intimate partners while they suffer in silence. In some cases, domestic violence also leads to the deaths of these women. It is assumed that this paper discusses the meaning, causes, types of domestic violence, and the aftermath of these types of violence. Abused woman. Additionally, the paper describes how to address
this threat to women and the role they play. It is performed by social workers, professionals, and other voluntary organizations in providing interventions to affected individuals. Finally, recommendations were made to eradicate domestic violence from society.