AbstractThe purpose of this study is to understand the behaviours, decision making, and preferences of students and freshers towards online learning platforms and IT Job placements. Due to the rapid growth of the E-learning industry, with millions of students engaging in online learning platforms to develop their skills, this study analyses the learners' behaviours and the factors that influence their decision to choose a particular learning platform. Survey methodology is used in this study to collect data from a convenience sample size of 101 Respondents. CHI square, Anova, and correlation statistical tools were used in this study to analyse the collected data.
The study's findings show that most respondents are interested in getting an IT job and are willing to learn on an online platform to develop their skills. The majority of the respondents wished to learn from accessible online sources instead of paying for them. Live interaction with the instructor plays a major role in learning, and people prefer Linked In to apply for jobs.