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Journal of Social Welfare and Management

Volume  15, Issue 3, September-December 2023, Pages 233-237

Original Article

Investigate and Evaluate the Level of Customer Satisfaction with Service Provided by the Logistics Industry in Chennai

M Jamal Mohamed Zubair, Mahmood Ali,

1 Assistant Professor, 2 Final Year MBA Student, MEASI Institute of Management, Royapettah, Chennai 600014, Tamil Nadu, India.

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The logistics companies has achieved a commendable level of customer satisfaction by focusing on reliability and customer service. The company's ability to consistently deliver goods on time and without damages has instilled trust and confidence among its customers. Additionally, the professionalism, responsiveness, and helpfulness of Logistics' staff have contributed significantly to customer satisfaction. The study has identified specific areas for improvement that can further enhance customer satisfaction. By offering more flexible delivery options, such as specific times lots and expedited shipping for urgent orders, Logistics can better meet customer expectations and cater to their diverse needs. Additionally, continuously monitoring and adjusting pricing tore main competitive in the market will also contribute to overall customer satisfaction. More over, the study emphasizes the importance of on going feed back and continuous improvement. Logistics should actively seek customer feed back and take it in to account when making decisions and implementing changes. By incorporating customer suggestions and addressing any short comings, the company can strengthen its services and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. Overall, the study concludes that Logistics companies has performed well in satisfying its customers in Chennai. However, the re are opportunities for further improvement. By focusing on flexibility, competitive pricing, and continuous improvement, Logistics company can continue to meet and exceed customer expectations, enhance customer satisfaction levels, and solidify its position as a leading logistics provider in the Chennai market.

Keywords : Customer Service; Logistics; Competitive Pricing; Continuous improvement; Responsiveness.
Corresponding Author : M Jamal Mohamed Zubair