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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  16, Issue 4, October-December 2023, Pages 175-178

Review Article

Artificial Intelligence in Prosthodontics: An Overview

Divya Sunil Sawant 1, Abhijit Deshpande 2, Sampath Kumar 3, Virsen Patil 4, Snehal Shende 5, Shweta Patil 6

1 Postgraduate Student, 2 Professor and HOD, 3-5 Reader, 6 Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Tatyasaheb Kore Dental College and Research Centre, Kolhapur 416113, Maharashtra, India.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained interest of many researchers in the last decade. Every field has embraced artificial intelligence including dentistry. AI is useful for patient care since the inception of recording patient history to diagnosis. AI is of great help in prostheses planning and fabrication of complicated maxillofacial prostheses. It makes the workflow of dental operatory more streamlined by helping in maintaining records, diagnostic aid for planning the treatment and predicting prognosis, making dental treatment more predictable. AI is changing the face of healthcare like any other sector. Improved accessibility of efficient healthcare to population and practicing evidence based dentistry will have positive influence in a long run.

Keywords : Artificial intelligence; Dentistry; Prostheses; Maxillofacial appliances; Diagnosis; implantology; CAD/CAM.
Corresponding Author : Divya Sunil Sawant,