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Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior

Volume  9, Issue 2, July-December 2023, Pages 89-94

Original Article

Contemporary Legal Prospects Relating to Criminalization of Marital Rape in India with Special Reference to Protecting Women’s Dignity

Rajeev Kumar Singh1, Shriya Mishra2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Law, 2Student of LLM, Amity Law School Lucknow, Amity University, Lucknow 226028, Uttar Pradesh, India.

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Marriage between two people allows them to legally engage in sexual activity. Marriage is the term used to define a sacramental or contractual relationship. Marriage, as mentioned in the definition, legalizes sexual intercourse, implying that any sexual act conducted during the marriage is not prohibited. This equips individuals with the motive to commit marital rape. Marital rape is when a married couple engages in sexual activity without the consent of the wife. This shows how the husband uses the marriage as a permission to sexually torture bride, and then considers it as his right.


Indian marriages are considered as the sacred union of two people. It is assumed that after a marriage is solemnized, there is an implied permission to have sexual relations between them. This concept of marriage has been used to hide the harsh reality, such as domestic abuse, marital rape, cruelty, and other grue some and horrible crimes committed against women. There are laws in place to protect women in the country from barbarous crimes like rape, but rape that occurs within marriage has never been protected. The principle of equality is enshrined in our Preamble, but societal pressure on women has shown to be greater than on males.


This article focuses on the need of criminalization of marital rape in India whereas the effects and suggestions regarding marital rape. To protect women, the judiciary must take steps to safeguard them. Married women should be treated with respect and not be subjected to sexual abuse or violence. But the truth is that married women does not have legal protection against marital rape.


Keywords : Hon’ble; Rape; Marriage; IPC; Right.
Corresponding Author : Rajeev Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Amity Law School Lucknow, Amity University, Lucknow 226028, Uttar Pradesh, India.