The Gautala sanctuary is a reserve for plant biodiversity and wildlife situated in the Marathwada region Dist. Aurangabad Tq. Kannada. The forest is rich in wild and local varieties of plants which are becoming rare due to natural and human activities. It is important to conserve and study plant biodiversity. In this regard, it is decided to collect the seeds of various plants and study the germination percentage and various aspects. The present paper deals with the studies on the collection, ex-situ conservation, and seed germination of five plants. Seeds were collected during respective seasons and germinated. The overall percentages of seed germination between 50- 80 percent are noted.
Keywords : Ex-situ conservation, Seed collection, Germination with its percentage etc
Corresponding Author : P.K.Sanghai, Department of Zoology, Shivaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Aurangabad 431103, Maharashtra, India