Role of Dermabrasion Assisted Debridement in Burns
Naresh Kumar Codandabany, Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Barath Kumar Singh. P
Visiting Resident, Professor & Head of IT Wing and Telemedicine, Senior Resident, Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Institute, Puducherry 605006, India
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Burn injury of second-degree deep dermal and full thickness delays healing and heals by scarring. Deep dermal burns need early treatment by tangential excision and skin grafting to promote healing. Dermabrasion is an alternative method for tangential excision where the depth of excision up to viable tissue is demarcated by punctate capillary bleeding. It is a useful alternative to early excision of the scar. In this case report we were assessing the role of dermabrasion-assisted debridement in burn Injury.
Keywords : Dermabrasion, Burns, Debridement
Corresponding Author : Ravi Kumar Chittoria, Professor & Head, Department of Plastic Surgery & Telemedicine, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research Institute, Puducherry 605006, India.