Body image or how a person appears to self has been an important part of the lives of people. Since the 19th century when corsets were a part of the life of a woman to achieve a perfect “hourglass” waistline to today when products advertise if not in perfect shape people will give you less attention! So they market products that can make you “slim” not “healthy”! Earlier, rather even now it is a societal issue, but now there are more methods and ways which are more approachable than ever before, thanks to social media and marketing apps. So they don’t let you realize how actually you are but they make you realize how important is their product for you to look as perfect as others in their advertising campaign. This is a literature review of the research on body image and co-relational studies with other variables.
Keywords : Body Image; Appearance; Body Dissatisfaction; Girls, BMI Women.
Corresponding Author : Surabhi Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Galgotias University, Greater Noida 201306, Uttar Pradesh, India.