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Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Volume  8, Issue 1, January-June 2022, Pages 35-39

Review Article

Post Mortem Examination of COVID-19 Deceased and Collection Preservation of Specimens

Rinkal Chaudhary 1, Vinod Dhingra 2, Sarthak Juglan 3

1 Assistant Professor, SAGE University Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 462022, 2 Senior scientific officer RFSL Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, 474011, 3HOD, forensic medicine, GRMC Gwalior Madhya Pradesh 474001, India.

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Forensic autopsy plays a crucial role in death investigations. It deals with the identification of cause, manner and time since death of deceased for the judgement by criminal justice system. A thorough examination frequently leads to the efficacious of an autopsy. It initiates with the external examination of the body and further proceeds according to the history of deceased. The postmortem examination of a deceased who is expected to have a serious infectious disease that can be transmitted during autopsy called infectious autopsy. So, medical experts need to take more precautions while performing autopsies on infectious bodies. Disease could be spread in many numerous ways. Some diseases are commonly transmitted during autopsy i.e. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), viral hepatitis B and C, and tuberculosis infections. The risk is at increasing level for obtaining these types of postmortem infections especially in the cases where the death cause is unidentified. The use of standard precautions during an autopsy can minimize the risk of the transmission of infections. The present article highlights the risk of contagious diseases during autopsy and preservation of artefacts of deceased suffering of highly infectious disease COVID -19.

Keywords : Forensic examination; Medico legal experts; Forensic Autopsy; Covid-19.
Corresponding Author : Vinod Dhingra