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Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine

Volume  9, Issue 1, January - June 2021, Pages 17-20

Original Article

Perceptions and Practices of Occupational Safety Measures Among Factory

Vidya GS,Jinsa Nizam,Shashikala Manjunath,Chandrakala C

Associate Professor, 2Postgraduate, 3Professor and Head, 4Statistician, Department of Community Medicine, Raja Rajeswari Medical College & Hospital, Karnataka, Bangalore 560074, India.

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Abstract Occupational safety is a very important issue at an individual, social and national level and this study is carried out to get a general outline of the perception & practices of safety measures among factory workers. A descriptive study was done among 124 factory workers with at least a year of experience. Data was collected using a Semi-structured questionnaire and analysed in MS-Excel. 95% of the workers have good knowledge about occupational safety measures. Since most of the workers had knowledge of personal protective equipment (PPE), they were using PPE regularly. Relationship between level of education and practice of safety measures shows that all workers have good level of practice based on their education level. So these variables should be taken into consideration in any program promoting Occupational health and safety. Keywords: Perception; Occupational Safety Measures; Factory Workers.

Corresponding Author : Jinsa Nizam