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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  14, Issue 1, jan-march 2021, Pages 19-24

Review Article

Impact on Dental Education in India: The Covid-19 Effect

Mayur Nath T Reddy1, M Divya Bharathy2

1Professor, 2Student, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bengaluru 560066, Karnataka, India.

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The novel COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly evolving with increase in the statistics on a daily basis and the dental
colleges in India are reeling from the repercussion of the pandemic. It is important that the dental students and
faculty remain aware about the updated regulations and guidelines released by the international and national
authorities. However, reviewing the literature, there is no official information that exists for dental institutions to
ensure continuity of dental education by effectively following the recommended guidelines including 'shelter in
place' to safeguard students, staff and patients with social distancing. And also, little research has been published
on the potential impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on dental education, but it is an inescapable phenomenon that
can have a drastic impact on how the future dentists are educated. It may represent an enduring transformation
in dentistry with the advancement encouraging innovation and imagination. Hence, the article talks about the
challenges which we face currently and gives some simple strategies to connect the gaps in dental education at
present to overcome this emergency.

Corresponding Author : Mayur Nath T Reddy1