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Indian Journal of Communicable Diseases

Volume  6, Issue 2, JULY- DECEMBER 2020, Pages 57-61


Virus Go Viral: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Outbreak in Pakistan; Actions and Problems

Fatima Gul1, Haseeb Manzoor2, Saima Ahmad3

1,2Medical Specialist,3Consultant Neuroradiologist Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has categorized the coronavirus pandemic as a global public health crisis of universal concern.1 On 11 February 2020, the infection was given its name by the WHO as ‘severe acute respiratory tract coronavirus-2’ (SARS-CoV-2; likewise alluded to as 2019-nCOV), and the disease it causes as ‘COVID-19’.1 On 26 February, Pakistan affirmed its initial two cases of coronavirus. Both cases were being taken consideration as indicated by clinical standard protocols and both of them are stably affirmed by government special assistant of health. The first patient (index case) was a student at the college in Karachi (Sindh region) while the subsequent patient was from the federal territory of the country. The two patients had late travel history from Iran.2 Within seven days of the initial two cases, Pakistan affirmed three additional cases, including a case in Islamabad and Rawalpindi (Punjab Province).3 The fifth case was likewise given an account of 2 March, from, Islamabad, a 45-year woman from Gilgit, with movement history from Iran.4 On 6 March, the first patient in Karachi had completely recuperated and later released from the hospital in the wake of testing negative.5 Following day, nine new cases detailed in Karachi with Sindh having the most noteworthy number of 13 cases. These new cases have a travel history from Syria and London. Three additional cases affirmed the following day remembering the first case for Balochistan Province.6
Keywords: Pandemic; Coronavirus; Outbreak.

Corresponding Author : Fatima Gul