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Indian Journal of Communicable Diseases

Volume  6, Issue 2, JULY- DECEMBER 2020, Pages 49-51

Review Article

Micro Ethics in Control of Communicable Diseases

Shubhada Sunil Avachat

Professor and HOD, Department of Community Mediicine, Dr Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundations Medical College and Hospital, Vilad Ghat, MIDC, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra 414111, India.

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Communicable disease outbreaks having high infectivity often result into epidemics and sometimes pandemics and have potential to cause threat to public health. Conflicts may arise while implementing preventive strategies to control the spread of communicable diseases having potential threat to public health. Micro ethics deals with almost every domain of interaction between doctor and patient while providing health care to individual patient.Micro ethical issues are highly variable and difficult to standardize but still play crucial role in doctor patient relationship .However these issues are often barely addressed hence there is a urgent need to address and update micro ethics as far as control of communicable diseases is concerned.
Keywords: Communicable Diseases Control; Micro Ethics.

Corresponding Author : Shubhada Sunil Avachat