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Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Journal

Volume  13, Issue 3, July – September 2020, Pages 133-140

Original Article

Comparison of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate of Citizens of Delhi and Jaipur Due to Pollution

Vivek Singh1, Davinder Kumar Gaur2

1Physiotherapist, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Physiotherapy, Delhi 110019, India.

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Introduction: The effects of air pollution include breathing and respiratory problems, aggravation of existing disease and alterations in the body defense systems against foreign materials. Peak flow readings are higher when we are well, and lower when the airways are constricted. From changes in recorded values, we may determine lung functionality, severity of asthma symptoms, and treatment options. The was aimed to establish normal values of PEFR in people, to find out the correlation of pollution parameters with PEFR. Methodology: 100 subjects (50 from Delhi and 50 from Jaipur) were involved in the research, after having detailed history of occupation and pulmonary diseases to exclude the subjects having any threat of pulmonary restriction. BMI was calculated. Command was given subject to expire in the peak flow meter fast and hard as he/she can. 3 PEFR values were taken and maximum value were noted. Results: PEFR value is highly significant and comparable and other factors are not significant as all other factors of both the cities were same. Conclusion: PEFR Delhi is less than PEFR Jaipur. It can be said that it because of the increased air pollution in new Delhi as compared to the Jaipur.

Keywords: PEFR-peak expiratory flow meter; pollution; BMI

Corresponding Author : Davinder Kumar Gaur