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Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Volume  6, Issue 2, July – December 2020, Pages 145-148

Case Report

Fatality Due to Acetaminophen-Ibuprofen Poisoning: A Rare Occurrence

Abhishek Yadav 1, Aravindan V 2, Shinto Devassy 3, Sudhir K Gupta 4

1 Associate Professor, 2 Junior Resident, 4 Professor and Head, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India 110029, 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Government Medical College, Haldwani, Nainital 263139, Uttrakhand, India.

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Over-The-Counter (OTC) analgesics are very commonly used in our country and sometimes taken without the doctor’s prescription. Though generally these medicines are considered safe, but they can produce complications when taken in excess doses. The authors report a case of an adolescent girl who consumed acetaminophen-ibuprofen combination pills present in her home for headache, which proved fatal. The authors aim to highlight and increase awareness about the hidden dangers in careless and unsupervised use of these medicines. The possibility of death with overdose of even commonly prescribed drugs should be understood, studied well and should be taught to patients to keep such medications away from their children. Accessibility and availability of OTC drugs should be restricted in accordance with the recommended daily usage.


Keywords : Ibuprofen Toxicity; Acetaminophen; Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs); Poisoning.
Corresponding Author : Abhishek Yadav