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Indian Journal of Plant and Soil

Volume  7, Issue 1, January-June 2020, Pages 21-25

Review Article

Micro Irrigation in Western Rajasthan: A Water Saving Techniques

Lokesh Kumar Jain1, HP Parewa2, P Pagaria3, Anirudh Choudhary4,S.C. Meena5

1,2,5Assistant Professor,4Lab Asssistant, College of Agriculture, Sumerpur, Pali 306902, Rajasthan, 3Senior Scientist Cum Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Agriculture University, Jodhpur), Gudamalani, Barmer 344031 Rajasthan, India.

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The water resources in the state of Rajasthan are in a crucial stage due to uneven and erratic distribution of rainfall. Due to rapid urbanization, industrialization and increasing population, the pressure on agriculture
specifically using groundwater sources is increasing and causes a depletion of surface and ground water availability. Hence, there is an urgent need to explore the possible ways to meet out the irrigation needs in water deficit area for efficient utilization of irrigation water. In the water deficit area, micro-irrigation (drip irrigation and sprinkler systems) has the potential to address problems like water scarcity for agriculture and horticultural crops. Micro irrigation systems realizing
the potential for reducing crop water requirement by increasing water use efficiency and address future water scarcity at the regional and national levels.

Keywords: Western Rajasthan; Water scarcity; Micro irrigation;


Corresponding Author : HP Parewa