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Indian Journal of Biology

Volume  7, Issue 1, January-June 2020, Pages 37-42

Original Article

Variations in Temperature and Trends in Tarai Region of Uttrakhand under Changing Climate

Ravi Kiran

Associate Professor (Agrometeorology) Department of Agrometeorology, College Agriculture, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar-263145, (Uttarakhand) , INDIA

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The present investigation was carried out using the long term (1981-2015) meteorological data recorded at Agrometeorological Observatory situated at NEB CRC, GBPUA& T, Pantnagar Uttarakhand. The analysis revealed that there is a decreasing trend of maximum temperature at the rate of 0.007°C per year over the years. However minimum temperature shows an increasing trend at the rate of 0.031°C per year. Average temperature range shows an increasing trend at the rate of 0.025°C per year. Maximum temperature anomaly shows a decreasing trend. Minimum temperature anomaly has an increasing trend. Temperature range anomaly showed a decreasing trend. The decadal
analysis of temperature shows similar trend. The average monthly maximum temperature found to be at peak in the month of May and lowest in July. The lowest average monthly maximum and minimum temperatures were found in January. Average temperature range was highest in April and lowest in August.

Key words: Maximum; Minimum; Range; Temperature; Trend; Variabilty; Pantnagar; Climate Change; Anomaly.

Corresponding Author : Ravi Kiran