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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  5, Issue 4, October - December 2012, Pages 211-215

Case Report

Funnel Tooth: Endodontically Challenged Mandibular Second Premolar

Prashant Battepati, MDS*, Rajesh Anegundi, MDS**, Anand Tavargeri, MDS***, Shruthi Patil, MDS****, Vijay Trasad, MDS*****, Prashant Jalannavar******

*Assistant professor, Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry, SDM school of dentistry, Sattur Dharwad, India ** Professor and Head, Department of pediatric and preventive dentistry, SDM school of dentistry, Sattur Dharwad, India ***Professo

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Macrodontia of a single tooth is a rare event. This has been reported on very few occasions in scientific journals when affecting a mandibular premolar. Once pulpally involved, because of its unusual coronal and radicular anatomy, the management of such teeth can become a challenging task for the operator. The endodontic management of such a premolar has never been reported in literature so far and there is no published protocol on the management of such a tooth. The use of cone beam computed tomography scan in this rare case significantly contributed towards detailed analysis of the root canal anatomy and its successful endodontic management thereafter. This report extends the range of known possible anatomical variations associated with premolars which may pose a challenge for its endodontic management. This report also highlights the role of cone beam computed tomography as an objective method to confirm the three-dimensional anatomy of teeth. 

Keywords: Macrodontia; Funnel tooth; Computed beam cone tomography; Monoblock.

Corresponding Author : Rajesh Anegundi, MDS**