Introduction: Stork is a global epidemic and an important cause of morbidity and mortality. As defined by WHO stroke is “rapidly developing clinical sings of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or longer or leading to death, no apparent cause other that of vascular origin.”1 Stroke due to cerebral infarction, primary intracerebral hemorrhage (PICH), intraventricular hemorrhage, and most cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH); it excludes subdural hemorrhage, epidural hemorrhage, or intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) or infarction caused by infection or tumour.2,3 Aim of the Study: Compare the effectiveness of mCIMT and Mirror Therapy (MT) on upper extremity and hand functions among individuals with stroke based on the severity as assessed by the UEFM and ARAT. Methods: It is an experimental study design. Sample of convenience of twelve (12) stroke subjects are selected and divided into group A and group B. Group A received Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (mCIMT) and group B received Mirror Therapy in upper extremity and hand functions in stroke patients. Discussion: In our study Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (mCIMT) is more effective than Mirror Therapy (MT) in upper extremity and hand functions in stroke patients. Joachim Liepert et al., 2000. The mechanism of this massive cortical reorganization probably reflects eitheran increase in the excitability of neurons already involved in the innervation of more-affected hand movements or an increase in excitable neuronal tissue in the infracted hemisphere, or both.26 Conclusion: This study concluded that Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (mCIMT) is more effective than Mirror Therapy (MT) in upper extremity and hand functions in stroke patients. In this study the patients from mild to moderate and moderate to severe post stroke disability improved better in stroke patients. So hypothesis is accepted that mCIMT is more effective than Mirror Therapy (MT) in from
mild to moderate and moderate to severe post stroke disability.
Keywords: mCIMT, Mirror therapy (MT) UEFM, ARAT. (VAS) visual analog scale, Fugl-Meyer Assessment
scale and Action research arm test (ARAT) scores