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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  6, Issue 1, January – April 2020, Pages 29-34

Review Article

Literature Review: Effect of Benson’s Relaxation Therapy (BRT) on Post Caesarean Section Pain and Stress

Parmar Riddhi R1, Anjali Tiwari2

1M.Sc Nursing, 2Assistant Professor and HOD, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing, Charusat, Gujarat 388421, India.

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Introduction: During pregnancy the body undergoes various anatomical and physiological changes. A caesarean section is necessary when a vaginal delivery is not possible. Worldwide, the number of babies born through caesarean section has nearly increased two fold from 2000 to 2015 - from 12% to 21%. Discomfort and issues faced by mothers after Caesarean section are different from one woman to another. Pain is one of the major discomforts which make the mothers to develop negative feelings towards delivery process. Almost one-fourth of patients’ who had undergone caesarean section experienced postoperative discomfort accompanying pain. Numerous methods are used to decrease post caesarean section discomfort. There are some simple, effective, inexpensive methods to reduce post caesarean section discomfort and they are the non-pharmacological methods. One of them are Benson’s relaxation therapy that midwives can help post caesarean section mothers in lessening the discomforts by utilizing nonpharmacological measures. Methodology: Researchers employed the use of electronic database which included MEDLINE, Pubmed, CINHAL, Google Scholar & ProQuest for obtaining literatures related to the effect of Benson’s relaxation therapy on post caesarean section associated pain and stress. Result: This narrative review shows that Benson’s relaxation therapy, a non pharmacological measure, can aid the body to gain a sense of relaxation and comfort. It is an intervention which has found to be effective in reducing pain and associated stress and also promote a good sleep.Conclusion: Benson’s relaxation therapy can be used as an inexpensive and convenient technique to promote relaxation and can be incorporated as a routine interventions among post caesarean section mothers to relieve pain and stress.
Keywords: Benson’s relaxation therapy (BRT); Pain; Stress; Post caesarean section mother.

Corresponding Author : Parmar Riddhi R