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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  6, Issue 1, January – April 2020, Pages 23-28

Review Article

Effectiveness of Mother and Newborn Immediate Skin-to-Skin Contact (SSC) on Duration of Delivery of Placenta and First Breastfeeding: A Literature Review

Minakshi Patidar1, Sapna Patel2, Anjali Tiwari3

1M.Sc Nursing, 2Assistant Professor, 3Assistant Professor and HOD, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing, Charusat, Gujarat 388421, India.

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Introduction: The close dermal contact between labouring woman and her newborn baby is a part of baby rising that may simpler and free from complication to a few, however its viewed as unique practice to mothers. This close contact expands the level of oxytocin in the mother’s blood. The significance gives result its function of increasing womb action or contractibility that boost and reduce time of separation and delivery of placental sheath. likewise helpful for the discharge of mother’s breast milk at the time of infant suckling, further response to aroused bonding which happens in both the mother and infant time of labour process. There are some investigation indicated that this contact diminishes length of 3rd phase of labour and start of bosom breastfeeding. Thus, researcher needs to differentiate confirmation that early SSC
helpful for lessening the length of delivery of placenta and origin of bosom breastfeeding. Methodology: As a nurse Investigator used various resources of research studies in online related to this research like Research gate, ProQuest and CINHAL. Result: After finding nursing article related to study found that early SSC helps in reducing time period of 3rd stage of delivery and begin of breast feeding. The present of this practice also preventing hypothermia in neonates; reduce maternal pain during episiotomy repair and possibility of immediate post-partum haemorrhage. Conclusion: The final conclusion of many supported literature review investigator conclude that only few study help the research problem. However on the other side some study findings review of literature that early SSC easily applicable and efficient for reducing the timely expulsion of placenta and help in boosting effect of breastfeeding.
Keyword: Used through resea rcher for searching review of literature are effectiveness; Immediate skin level to skin level skin contact; Mother; Newborn; Time period of delivery of placental sheath; first breast feeding.

Corresponding Author : Minakshi Patidar