The younger generation perceives the affairs in their own way and works according to their own liking, the older generation obstructs them by their own views and experiences directly or indirectly, creating an inter generational conflict in the society. The present study focuses on intergenerational conflicts among younger and older generations. Intergenerational conflict scale developed by Km. Roma Pal (1984) was used to collect the data. The sample consists of 80 subjects include 40 from the younger generation (18–25 years) and another 40 from the age group of 55+ yrs. The data was collected by using simple randomizing
technique. Results indicate that there are significant differences among young and older generation and Gender-wise and no Locality-wise differences were found with regard to Inter generational Conflict. Age, gender and locality were significantly associated with sub areas of Intergenerational conflict. Results are discussed in the light of psychological interventions..
Keywords: Inter-generational conflict; Younger and older generations.