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Indian Journal of Genetics and Molecular Research

Volume  8, Issue 2, July-December 2019, Pages 65-67

Review Article

Assessment of Male Reproductive Health: Obesity, Sperm DNA Fragmentation, Yq micodeletion, Endocrinal Profile

Manisha B Sinha

Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492099, India.

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The main aim of our study is to highlight the few important aspects of male reproductive health and thus male infertility. The male infertility is a common issue among couples these days. Various infertility clinics and hospitals have developed to solve this problem however, specialists are not evaluating much after semenogram when it comes normal whereas only half of the problem is recognized by semenogram. So, the question should be what next to evaluate after that: Endocrinal profile, body mass index, karyotype, chromosome microdeletion, sperm DNA fragmentation index of patient? If we as clinicians bypass these tests, we might miss the underlying disorder or inadvertently transfer it to the offspring. Moreover, it also affects the outcome of various techniques of assisted reproduction.


Keywords : Sperm DNA fragmentation; Ychromosome microdeletion; Male reproductive health.
Corresponding Author : Manisha B Sinha