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  Indian Journal of Library and Information Science


Dr. Sanjay K. Kaushik, Ph.D., Kurukshetra

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Current issue: Volume 18, Number 1 (January - April ), 2024

Contents available from: 2007

RNI Registration Number:DELENG/2007/22242


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All Back Issues From Volume 1-18 (Online Only) 2025 ₹199500
Editorial-Chief Dr. Sanjay K. Kaushik, Ph.D., Kurukshetra
ISSNp 0973-9548
ISSNe 0973-9556
Frequency Triannual
IC Value 2015: 73.43, 2017: 81.46, 2018: 98.92,2020: 84.43, 2021: 93.01
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2007
Affiliated to No affiliated with any of the society/organization.

Scholars, professionals, practitioners, faculty, students in the field of library and information science

Abstracting and Indexing information

Google Scholar
Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 73.43, 2017: 81.46, 2018: 98.92, 2020: 84.43, 2021: 93.01)
National Science Library, New Delhi
Genamics JournalSeek
Science Library Index
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

The Indian Journal of Library Sciences (IJLIS) provides comprehensive international publications on the science and technology of libraries and information. It presents peer-reviewed surveys and original research articles on specific fields such as new information technologies, education and training, human resources management, role changing libraries, future developments, opportunities, databases, cataloging, electronic publication, acquisition, collection development, management, archives, conservation, special collections, automation and cataloging. Its articles include letters to editors, book reviews, events calendars, conference reports, interviews, etc.

The Indian Journal of Library and Information Sciences is an academic and peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

Current Issue Volume 17,Number 3 2023