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  International Journal of Forensic Science


Dr. A.K. Jaiswal, Ph.D., AIIMS, Delhi


Current issue: Volume 6, Number 2 (July-December), 2023

Contents available from: 2018


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Editorial-Chief Dr. A.K. Jaiswal, Ph.D., AIIMS, Delhi
Frequency 2
IC Value -
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2018
Affiliated to Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Experts of all areas of Forensic Sciences.

Abstracting and Indexing information

New journal and not yet indexed. It is applied for indexing and abstracting.

About the Journal

The International Journal of Forensic Sciences is a peer-reviewed academic journal specializing in the publication of original, reviewed, case-based, and short communications of the most competitive and reliable sources of information about discoveries and current developments. The journal includes articles on criminal chemistry, criminal physics, criminal biology, criminal ballet, criminal photography, criminal wildlife, criminal psychology, criminal environmental forensics, criminal toxicity, disputed documents, cyber forensics, criminal anthropology, criminal archaeology, criminal botanics, criminal DNA analysis, fingerprints, criminal engineering, criminal entomology, criminal geology, criminal odontology, criminal pathology, etc.

Current Issue Volume 6,Number 2 2023