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  Indian Journal of Waste Management


Dr. Ravindra Dalpatrao Bansod, PhD, Rahuri


Current issue: Volume 7, Number 2 (July-December ), 2023

Contents available from: 2017


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All Back Issues From Volume 1-7 (Online Only) 2025 ₹84000
Editorial-Chief Dr. Ravindra Dalpatrao Bansod, PhD, Rahuri
Frequency 2
IC Value NA
Impact Factor NA
Publishing Year 2017
Affiliated to Not affiliated with any society / association / organization

Scientists, engineers, and managers, regardless of their discipline, who are involved in scientific, technical and other issues related to waste management.

Abstracting and Indexing information

New journal and not yet indexed, how it will be applied when it will be elegible.

About the Journal

The Indian Journal of Waste Management is a peer-reviewed journal publishing original research papers and reviews in the field of waste management. The journal strives to present a combination of topics that best helps the reader to understand the breadth of the issues related to the management of all types of waste, including liquids, solids, hazardous substances, organics and recyclables. The journal is seeking papers in major areas such as generation and characteristics, minimization, recycling and reuse, storage, collection, transportation and transfer, treatment (mechanical, biological, chemical, thermal, etc.), disposal of landfills (including design, monitoring, remediation of old sites), environmental considerations, financial and marketing aspects, policies and regulations, education and training, planning and implementation.

Current Issue Volume 7,Number 2 2023