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  Community and Public Health Nursing


Dr. Alka D. Tajne, Surat

ISSN (Print):

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Current issue: Volume 9, Number 1 (January-April), 2024

Contents available from: 2016

RNI Registration Number:DELENG/2016/69650


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Editorial-Chief Dr. Alka D. Tajne, Surat
ISSNp 2455-8621
ISSNe 2455-863X
Frequency 3
IC Value 87.98(2021), 82.43 (2020), 80.48 (2018), 58.13 (2016)
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2016
Affiliated to Red Flower Publications

Nursing, Public health administration

Abstracting and Indexing information

Index Copernicus: IC Value 87.98(2021),82.43 (2020), 80.48 (2018), 58.13 (2016)

CiteFactor, USA
Cosmos Impact Factor, Germany
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Kazakhstan
Gaudeamus Academia
iiiFactor, London
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Scientific Indexing (ISI), Dubai
International Services for Impact Factor and Indexing (ISIFI)
Journal Factor
Journals Impact Factor (JIF)
MIAR, Barcelona
Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Poland
Research Bible
Research Impact Factor
Root Society for Indexing and Impact Factor Service
Scholar Steer, California
Science Library Index, Australia
Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), USA
Scientific World Index
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

Community and Public Health Nursing (CPHN) focuses on health issues related to all aspects of the community practice (school, home, visiting nursing services, clinics, hospitals, education and public health administration). A well-researched article provides practical and up-to-date information to help nurses who frequently have to make decisions and solve problems without the hospital's backup support system. The journal is a forum for community and public health professionals to share their experience and expertise with others in this field.

Community and Public Health Nursing is a peer-reviewed and refereed journal.

Bibliographic Information:

p-ISSN  2455-8621
e-ISSN   2455-863X

Registered with registrar of newspapers for India: DELENG/2016/69650


Current Issue Volume 9, Number 1 2024