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 Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health
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Journal Details
Editorial-Chief Lekha
ISSNp 2454-7506
ISSNe 2455-8389
Frequency Semiannual
IC Value IC Value: 2015: 64.85, 2016: 75.08, 2018: 71.85, 2020: 79.59, 2021: 81.52
Impact Factor -
Publishing Year 2015
Affiliated to RFPPL own Journal

Midwives, physicians, and other professionals involved with perinatal education and maternal-child health care

Abstracting and Indexing information

Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 64.85, 2016: 75.08, 2018: 71.85, 2020: 79.59, 2021: 81.52)
Gaudeamus Academia
Science Library Index
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

About the Journal

The Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health (JNMMH) is a peer-reviewed journal covers the fields of family practice, women's health care, emergency nursing, psychiatry, geriatric nursing and pediatric nursing. The journal aims to present new research and current knowledge in a wide range of clinical and interdisciplinary fields such as maternal care, gynaecology, primary care for women and newborns, public health, health policy, and global health. The journal publishes original works on nursing, midwifery and maternal health. Members of our technical and editorial team of nurses, midwives and related fields ensure the quality and review standards of our publications.

Current Issue Volume 10,Number 1 2024
Original Article
Effectiveness of Planned eaching Programme PP on nowledge egardingMenstruationanditsHygieneamongAdolescentirls
Asha H. Bhatakhande
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Effectiveness of Pudina in Reduction of Dysmenorrheal and Perceived Stress Level among Nursing Students
Agnes Mahima David
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on Knowledge Regarding Stem Cell Therapy and its Importance among Nursing Students
Lini E Thomas
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Level of Knowledge on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among Adolescent Girls
Haseena Begum
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Ill Health Effect of Prolong Use of Commercial Diapers for Toddler, among Mothers at Selected Urban Area, of Nagpur City
Sophie Caleb
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module (SIM) on Low Cost Iron Rich Recipes among Under Graduate Students at Selected Colleges in Nagpur City
Rasika Shripad Vaidya
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Assessment on Level of Knowledge Regarding Home Remedies for Dysmennorrhoea among Adolescent Girls at SRM College of Nursing
Abirami P
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Pregnancy with Uncontrolled Seizure and Multiple Congenital Anomalies: A Case Report (Multidimensional Nursing Care Report)
Nibedita Dey
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Perception of Labour Pain among Primi Mothers
B. Jayabharathi
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge on Institutional Delivery among Primi Gravida Mothers at Selected Hospitals, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Deepali Para
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Video Assisted Teaching Module on Knowledge Regarding Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and its Prevention Among Rural Married Women of Dehradun : A Community Based Study
Arti Kaparwan
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on High Risk Factors to Reduce Maternal Mortality among Mothers in Primary Health Centers in Bijapur District
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Effectiveness of Structure Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice of Partograph Among Staff Nurses
N Siva
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structure Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Menstrual Irregularity Among Adolescent Girls in Selected High School of Nagpur
Jyoti Kiran Gaikwad
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Effect of LI4 Acupressure on Perception of Labour Pain
Lekha Viswanath,
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Review Article
Midwifery Model of Care-opportunities and Challenges in the Indian Context
Lekha Viswanath
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]
Effects of Tuberculosis in Pregnancy
Suman Choudhary
[Abstract] | [HTML Full text] | [PDF]