Critical Care Nursing in Emergency Toxicology
Vivekanshu Verma, MBBS, DFM
Vivekanshu Verma, MBBS, DFM
Toxicology is a notoriously difficult subject to master considering the volume of information that needs to be memorized. Critical Care Nursing in Emergency Toxicology is the need of the hour. The authors have made easier to remember all this, with the help of quirky mnemonics, toxic poems, easy recalls & point wise discussion. It has authentic knowledge from the latest concepts in managing poisoning. Simple words are used with least medical jargon, easy to understand and recall for the health care providers. Highlights of this Book includes: Toxidromal approach in examination & diagnosis, Crime Scene Investigation (CSi) by Toxic Detective Nurse in poisoning, Accreditation norms for drug management in ER, Dosing & Dilution in toxicology, Mega-doses of antidotes available in pharmacy, Chain of custody for samples to forensic lab, Physical restraints & chemical restraints in violent intoxicated patients, Involuntary admission in psychiatric drug addict patients, Precautions in nursing suicidal attempters after poisoning, Narcotic drugs in double lock under NDPS act, Nursing Drug addicts & Alcohol Withdrawal patients, Nursing Precautions in Opioid dependent Cancer patients, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) in toxicology, Organ transplantation in toxicology. Toxic Poems by Toxic Detective: Poems & Paintings for Prevention of Poisoning in Paediatrics. An unconventional literary approach to learn and teach Drug Overdoses, Venomous bites & stings related Poisonings in Rhymes includes Drinking Driving, Enough is Enough, What to Eat, What to Drink, and What to Leave for Poison, Kiss of life, Saving lives from autopsy knives, Snakebite, Snake poem, Long snake- Little wound- Larger damages- Lives Lost, Viper bites, Scorpion Stings, Pesticides, Coral Snakes Rhyme, Atropa Belladona, Colouring pages for venomous snakes, ants, bee, wasp, scorpions, poisonous plants- opium, Dhatura. The environment in Emergency & Intensive care is very stressful & challenging, not only for the budding nurses & resident doctors, who don’t have the experience & expertise to manage the fatal poisoning exposures, but also for toxicology nurses & emergency doctors, due to unpredictable outcome & high risk of mortality & morbidity, managing at odd hours in midnight duties, while overcoming their sleep & exhaustion, for which this book will be the to be read & consulted, at a stressful location (ICU, Emergency. Crime Scene Etc.,) as a Stress-Buster to Stressed & Burned-out Nurses & Doctors; as well as a Myth-Buster (to administer antidote or not, to do gastric lavage or not), and this book will be this year’s Block-Buster (Indian ICU Nursing Book on Emergency Toxicology).
Dedicate the First Edition to v
Foreword to First Edition vii
Foreword to First Edition ix
Foreword to First Edition xi
About the Book xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgement xvii
List of Contrubutors xix
Senses Developed for Toxic-Detectives Nurses 1
Colour Coding for Patient Risk Identification 5
1-2-3-4-5-6 Mnemonics 7
Toxidromic Approach 11
Recalling Rights of Medications 13
Accreditation Norms in Toxicology 15
Antidotes At A Glance 17
Activated Charcoal 18
Anaphylaxis Management in Toxicology 26
Basics of Managing Drug Overdose 28
Brain Death in Posioning: Diagnostic Dilemma 33
Classifying Poisoning Based on Their Effect/Outcome 34
Crime Scene Investigation 36
Controlled Substances Storage Guidelines 39
Cognizable Offences in Toxicology 41
Crime Scene in Toxicology 49
Decoding IPC in Toxicology 53
Drug Errors and Incident Reporting 59
Dialysis in Intoxication: Queries Answered 62
Differential Diagnosis of Coma in Suspected Poisoning 65
“Do not use” List of The Joint Commission Guidelines in Toxicology 66
Dose & Dilution of Antidotes in Intoxication 69
Drug Schedules in Drugs & Cosmetics Act 72
Toxic Drug Names Made Easy 78
Fit to Fly in Sedated & Intoxicated 87
Gaps & Graphs in Poisoning 89
Glucose as an Antidote 92
Hazmat Protocol 94
Heparin & Its Antidote Protamine 96
How to Write Mediolegal Report in Poisoning Case 105
Iatrogenic Misconducts & Addicitons 108
Lipid Therapy 114
Liquor Liability in Alcohols 117
Managing Errors in Toxicology: Incident Reporting 119 Marine Envenomation (Sea-Bather Sickness): Toxi-Mnemonics 121
Medical Device Rules & Heavy Metal Toxicity with Implants 127
Advance Medical Directives 138
Methanol Outbreak Management Made Ridiculously Simple 140
Murder or Accident in Toxicology Section 80 IPC 148
Mnemonics in Toxicology 151
Mushroom Poisoning 153
N-AcetylCysteine (NAC)- Antidote 158
Naloxone–Antidote in Opioid Toxicity 160
Narcotics – Opioid Policy for Nursing 163
Non-Toxic-Labs decoding by Toxic Detective Nurse 166
Organ Transplantation in Toxicology 169
Para- Medicolegal & Toxicological Importance 177
Paradox* for Toxic Detective Nurse 182
Pesticides Poisoning Management Made Ridiculously Simple 185
Managing Injured – Intoxicated 189
Postmortem Examination in Toxicology 193
Preparation Errors in Toxicology 196
Iatrogenic Drug Errors 198
Prevention of Medication Errors in Toxicology 204
Rail Road Poisoning: Stupefying Agents 206
Rat Poisons 208
Thallium Toxicity 213
Reconciliation Errors in Toxicology 220
Samples Preserved for Toxicological Analysis 221
Medical Etiquettes in Toxicology 223
Indian Society of Life Support Courses 225
Scorpion Sting Poisoning (िबचछुडंक) 231
Snakebite 238
Dosing & Dilution in Polyvalent Anti-Snake-Venom 242
Snake Identification Made Easy 244
Snakebite Management Protocol 247
Stress-Related Errors In Toxicology 258
Adverse Drug Reaction 259
Antidote in Alcoholics 263
Toxic-Plants for Toxic-Detective Nurses 266
Good-vs-Bad Chemicals in our Homes 271
Toxic Cosmetics Makeup by Toxic - Detective 275
Toxscreens from Urine Samples 284
Toxic- Dance Decoding by Toxic Detective Nurse* 286
Triaging Critically Toxic Patients in ER 289
Driver’s Fitness & Traffic Rules 293
Violent Crimes Associated with Intoxication 295
WHO Recommended Qualitative Colour Tests in Toxicology 301
Appendix 304
Toxic Poems by Toxic Detective 304
Bibliography & Suggested Reading 380
Our More Medical Books on Topic of *Toxicology* Management Authored 381
Critical Care Nursing in Emergency Toxicology