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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  7, Issue 2, April-June 2019, Pages 281-286

Original Article

A Study of Primary Caesarean Section in Parous Females

Bhalerao Sharayu N.1, Aher Gautam S.2, Reelkar Purva V.3

1Assistant Professor, 2Professor and HOD, 3Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar 414111, India.

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Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to find out the incidence and indications of primary caesarean section in parous women and evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcomes there from. Methods: Prospective study of primary caesarean sections in parous women was done at our institute, VikhePatil Memorial Hospital, a tertiary referral center from July 2016 to June 2017. Age, indications and the maternal as well as perinatal outcomes were analyzed. Data was expressed as number and percentage. Results: Out of 974 caesarean deliveries, 154 (15.8%) primary caesareans in parous women were done. The most common age group was 20-25 (50%) years. The majority of parous women who underwent primary caesarean section, were primipara. Booked cases constituted around 55.19% of total study population. Among all, 142 (92.21%) patients were operated in emergency. The most common indication for caesarean section in this group of patients was fetal distress (35.06%). There was no maternal mortality seen, but 2 cases of neonatal mortality occurred in study population. Conclusions: Fetal distress was the most common indication for primary caesarean section in the parous woman, although malpresentation also contributed significant numbers. Our study shows that Primary caesarean section in parouswomen is not uncommon. Though to a small extent, they are contributing to rise in total caesarean section rates. Good obstetric care is required in parous women to improve maternal and neonatal outcome and it will also help to keep caesarean section to a lower rate.

Keywords : Caesarean section; Multipara; Parous women; Primary caesarean section.
Corresponding Author : Bhalerao Sharayu N