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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  7, Issue 2, April-June 2019, Pages 267-272

Original Article

Neonatal Outcomes in Women with Isolated Oligohydramnios

Poonguzhali liston1, Gomathy E2, Sudha Reddy V3

Senior Resident, 2Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sri Devaraj URS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Tamaka, Kolar, Karnataka 563101, 3Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Sri Devaraj URS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Tamaka, Kolar, Karnataka 563101, India.

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Introduction: Oligohydramnios is a serious complication of pregnancy that is associated with a poor perinatal outcome. Isolated oligohydramnios at term is defined as AFI <5 cm without any maternal or fetal cause. Incidence of isolated oligohydramnios is 0.5-1% at term. It can be used as an adjunct to other fetal surveillance method to identify those infants at risk of poor perinatal outcome. The number of studies dealing with isolated oligohydramnios at term and its outcome in Indian setup is limited. Therefore this study is conducted to determine the perinatal outcome in cases of isolated oligohydramnios coming to R.L. Jalappa Hospital, Kolar. Method: Consisted of analysis of pregnancy outcome in 50 cases diagnosed as oligohydramnios by ultrasound after 37 completed weeks of gestation (Cohort 1) compared with 50 controls (Cohort 2) and matched for other variables like age, parity, gestational age. Various outcomes were recorded, tabulated and analyzed. Results: In our study occurrence of non reassuring NST, lower neonatal birth weight, low normal value of cord blood pH was higher in the study group when compared to control group. There was no statistically significant difference in the occurrence of adverse neonatal outcomes except for lower birth weight among neonates born to oligohydramnios mothers. Conclusion: The presence of isolated oligohydramnios in the absence of other complicating maternal and fetal causes does not conclusively predict adverse perinatal outcomes.

Keywords : Neonatal ; Oligohydramnios.
Corresponding Author : Poonguzhali Liston