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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  3, Issue 2, July - December 2015, Pages 69-72

Original Article

Hysterectomy with Ovarian Preservation in Premenopausal Women: Predisposition to Early Ovarian Failure

Prashant Joshi*, Savitha Rathod**

*Associate Professor, **Assistant professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Adichunchanagiri Institute Of Medical Sciences, Balagangadharanatha Nagara-571448 Nagamangala Taluk, Mandya District, Karnataka.

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 Introduction: Hysterectomy is the most common surgical procedure among the women aged 30 to 47 worldwide. The aim of this study is to estimate the risk of early ovarian failure in premenopausal age group women undergoing hysterectomy with ovarian preservation. Methods: A prospective study was conducted among the women aged 30 to 47 years undergoing hysterectomy with or without bilateral oophorectomy (n=546) during 2010. Blood samples and questionnaire data were obtained annually for up to 5 years after hysterectomy.  Ovarian failure defined as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels 40 IU/L or higher, was calculated. Results: Ovarian failure occurred in among 106 women  from  total 543 women with hysterectomy without bilateral oophorectomy. Women undergoing hysterectomy were at nearly a twofold increased risk for ovarian failure as compared to women with intact uteri. Conclusions: Increased risk of earlier ovarian failure is a possible consequence of premenopausal hysterectomy. The cause of earlier ovarian failure is unresolved whether it is the surgery itself or the underlying condition leading to hysterectomy, physicians and patients should take into account this possible sequela when considering options for treatment of benign conditions of the uterus.

Keywords: Premenopausal Hysterectomy; Ovarian Failure; Bilateral Oophorectomy.

Corresponding Author : Prashant Joshi*