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Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Volume  1, Issue 1, January - June 2015, Pages 47-49

Case Report

Identification of Rhodamine Dye in Rape Assault: A Case Study

Vinod Dhingra

Forensic scientist, Regional forensic science laboratory, Gwalior­474009 (M.P.)

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 Due to rise in crowds naturally there is fall in cultural values and escalation in crimes. Crime against women is on the rise especially sexual crimes. Though crime is prevalent in every country and society, most of them .either goes undetected or unreported. Forensic chemistry plays an important role in helping early detection, providing expert scientific reports at earliest, which will result in quick trial and instant administration of justice to victims. In the present communication a case of rape assault is reported in which Rhodamine B a cheap red dye used as a coloring agent in Holi festival identified by thin layer chromatographic analysis, ultraviolet spectroscopy and FT­IR analysis.

Keywords: Dye; Color; Rhodamine; Rape Assault. 

Corresponding Author : Vinod Dhingra