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Indian Journal of Library and Information Science

Volume  10, Issue 2, May-Aug 2016, Pages 161-166

Original Article

Managing References and Research with Software and Tools: An Experience on ‘Mendeley’

Anil Kumar*, Rishabh Kumar Jain**, Shiva Kanaujia Sukula***

*Semi Professional Assistant, ** Profession Assistant, ***Dy. Librarian, Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

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 In today’s modern world, the relevant information has become one of the most essential commodity and the adoption of a systematic approach to serve this need is mandatory in order to save time. . As a matter of fact, the provision of a suitable environment to access and use the information is must and the current information scenario is facing the information burst when it becomes difficult to obtain and organize the right kind of information. The advent of various tools such as originality check software and reference management tools has paved way for better, timely and community­wise information management. The present paper has tried to discuss about the application of reference management software for example, Mendeley reference management software. Mendeley is one such reference management tool that contains all the scholarly knowledge inbuilt in it. Mendeley is a free, ready to use and modern software for giving citations, references and others bibliographical details. Due to its simplicity in handling and multifunctional, it is popular among research scholars for managing their data in a systematic way and other activities also.

Keywords: Reference Management Tools; Mendeley; Bibliographies; Free Software.

Corresponding Author : Anil Kumar*