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RFP Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics

Volume  7, Issue 2, July-December 2022, Pages 57-59

Review Article

Blood Culture Methods Advancing in Technology

Sachin C Narwadiya1, Bharti R Vaidya2, Neha Suthar3

1,2Research Scholar, School of Public Health, Poornima University, Jaipur 302022, Rajasthan, India, 3Lecturer, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Surendra Dental College, Sriganganagar 335001, Rajasthan, India.

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 Culture and sensitivity (C & S) tests are the tests generally used for the detection of causative microbes. The Culture and sensitivity tests are also important to know the resistance or sensitivity of a particular antibiotic to the microbes cultured and grown. It will be helpful for the physician to decide the line of treatment for the patients. Over a period of 3-4 decades the technology of blood culture advanced which resulted in less time for results, and easy testing. The BTEC method is an automated blood culture system that is an important choice for the detection of pathogens from blood specimens. The automated method is better than the manual broth-based conventional methods. The method requires laboratories to be continuously monitored. The automated blood culture systems for the processing of blood culture specimens are taking lesser time and more accuracy in present times. The present study involves the methods and their advancement in the diagnosis. The impact of saving lives is due to the adoption of advanced methods over conventional ones.

Keywords : Blood Culture; Culture and Sensitivity; Antibiotics; Public Health.
Corresponding Author : Sachin C Narwadiya, Research Scholar, School of Public Health, Poornima University, Jaipur 302022, Rajasthan, India.