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Journal of Emergency and Trauma Nursing

Volume  1, Issue 1, January -June 2020, Pages 15-19

Original Article

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program Regarding Knowledge Related to Ill Effects of Self Medication Among Adults in Selected Area of Ahmedabad

Vijesh Patel1, Harimohan Singh2

1Assistant Professor, 2Principal, Apollo Institute of Nursing, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382428, India.

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A true experimental study was conducted to assess the knowledge of adults regarding ill effects of self-medication. The study was conducted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of B.Sc. Nursing at Apollo Institute of Nursing, Gandhinagar. 30 adults were chosen as samples for conducting the study. The main objective of study was to assess the knowledge regarding ill effect of self-medication among adult’s in selected areas of Ahmedabad, before and after provision of planned teaching program. A structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of people in order to achieve the objective of the study. Data gathered from the survey was analyzed and interpreted using true experimental study. The mean of knowledge regarding ill effects of self-medicationamong adults inpretest is 13.23 whereas the mean of posttest, after the planned teaching programme was administered came to be 19.8. The calculated ‘t’ value was 8.09262 and 3.83 for the study conducted. Hence there was no evidence against null hypothesis. The result strongly suggests that adults were well acquainted with the knowledge regarding ill effects of selfmedicationafter the provision of planned teaching programme.


Keywords : Ill effects; Medicine; Self-medication; Planned teaching.
Corresponding Author : Harimohan Singh