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Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Volume  6, Issue 1, January-June 2020, Pages 37-41

Original Article

Characteristics of Homicide followed by Suicide Incidence of our Experience

P Vijaya Sagar

Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Sciences, MNR Medical College and Hospital, Sangareddy 502294, Telangana, India.

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Background: Homicide-suicides are a distinct group of violent deaths that separate them from murders and suicides. Although such incidents are uncommon, they have devastating effects on families and societies, and typically attract a lot of mainstream media coverage. Aims: present study aims to incidents of homicide followed by suicides that occurred within our experience. Materials and methods: The observational data obtained from records of post mortem from the department of Forensic from 2017 to 2019. Results: Out of the total 82 cases of homicides there were 11 cases murder–suicides involving 11 victims and 5 assailants. It is about 13.4% of all homicides and 3.4% of 2384 medico legal autopsies conducted during the period. female victims were distributed in a wide range of age . Most commonly involved age group ranges between 0-14 years and 15-24 years with4 cases (36.4%), married subjects 6 cases (54%) of rural areas with five cases (63.7%). Drowning or burns was the method of choice in murder–suicide deaths. Most of the cases have a relationship to perpetrator is spouse , boyfriend or girlfriend 5 cases(45.5%) and most of the patients have mental illness in study of 6 cases 54.5%. Conclusions: A risk assessment should include determining the chance of involvement not only in suicide and homicide, but also in murder-suicide as a perpetrator or a victim.


Keywords : Homicide-Suicides; Victims; Assailants; Perpetrator.
Corresponding Author : P. Vijaya Sagar