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Indian Journal of Plant and Soil

Editor-in-Chief: Ravindra Dalpatrao

P-ISSN: 2348-9677, e-ISSN: 2456-088X

Frequency: Semiannual, Publishing Year: 2014


Soil scientists, plant physiologists, agronomists, plant breeders, geochemists, ecologists involved in soil protection

Current Issue Published: Volume 10, Number 2 (July - December ) 2023

Indexing Value: IC Value: 2021:83.03, 2020: 82.70, 2018: 89.42, 2015: 65.81, 2016: 75.40. NAAS Score: 3.07

Indexing Information:

NAAS Score (2020): 3.07

Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: 2015: 65.81, 2016: 75.40, 2018: 89.42, 2020: 82.70, 2021:83.03)
Science Library Index
The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

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