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Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Volume  3, Issue 1, January - June 2017, Pages 17-21

Review Article

The Indian Laws Relating to Drugs and Poisons

T. Millo*, A.K. Jaiswal**, Kulbushan Prasad***

*Professor **Chemist ***Assistant Professor, Deptt of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India–110029.

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Drugs are vital means for the prevention and cure of diseases and ailment of different nature. It has played a vital in the health of humanity and improved its life span and quality of life. With the advancement of science and research, new drugs are evolving each year and the pharmaceutical companies are flourishing with business. Therefore various acts have been passed by the Govt. to regulate the manufacture, composition and sale of these drugs. Besides it has made various laws to prevent the misuse of these drugs to harm others. The physicians and the pharmacist should be aware of the various legal acts of drugs and poisons pertaining to its profession. This review article has attempted to bring out all the relevant acts and rules pertaining to drug and poison relevant to the medical practitioners.


Keywords : Drugs; Poisons; Laws; Narcotics; Psychotropic substance.
Corresponding Author : T. Millo*